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10 Things to Cool You Down On a Hot Summer Day

It's been hot these last few weeks here in Switzerland and weather forecasts predict that the heat will continue at least another two weeks. I know many people who would be quite happy if there were a few rainy and colder days coming but at the moment it sure doesn't look like it. Personally, I won't complain. Hot weather is great for swimming or camping and bad weather will return soon enough to Switzerland.

10 Things to Cool You Sown On a Hot Summer Day in Switzerland

So, what can you do to make the heat more bearable? Thankfully, Switzerland has a lot to offer to people looking to cool down. If you're looking for ways to refresh yourself on a hot summer day, I'm happy to share my personal 10 favorites!
  1. Popsicles: At Migros you can get a wide selection of popsicles (and at any supermarket or kiosk as well). Some of these have reached cult status, especially the vanilla one with the picture of a seal.
  2. Swim: Switzerland is full of lakes and rivers that are accessible and free for anyone. Enjoy the cool water (or even real cold water if you're swimming in a mountain lake) and refresh yourself. Public pools can be found in many places as well. 
  3. Frozen Grapes: Grape season is just about to start. For a cold treat put some washed grapes into your freezer and enjoy them as an ice cold snack.
  4. Salads: Hot food on a hot day seems impossible for many Swiss so we often opt for a fresh salad instead. Sometimes we have a piece of barbecued meat with it, but only if someone can stand the additional heat of the bbq.
  5. Liquids: Water is free and tastes great in Switzerland. Other Swiss drinks like Rivella or Schorle (apple juice and soda water) are a good option as well.
  6. Beer: Many people recommend to pass on alcoholic drinks in hot weather. If you don't want to give up on chilled bear you could try a Panache which has much less alcohol.
  7. Boat: Go on a boat cruise and enjoy the breeze on one of the many lakes in Switzerland. Or float down a river in a raft and enjoy the fresh river water.
  8. Mountains: It's cooler when you're higher up. The great advantage of Switzerland is that the mountains are close by and many of them have cable cars which allow an easy access. Mountain air is cooler but beware of the sun which can be even stronger in higher altitude.
  9. Indoors: For some, an air conditioned shopping mall might be the best option - if you can handle the crowds.
  10. Siesta: Although not a Swiss custom, a nap after lunch will help go through the hottest hours of the day. Plus it will give you more energy to stay up late to enjoy the long summer days.
günther gumhold  / 



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